Become a member


What does it cost?

Our pricing is based on £12 per 2-hour rehearsal and we will calculate your membership fee based on how many remaining sessions there are in the term after your taster session. There are usually 13 rehearsals per term (12 weekly rehearsals plus an extended session with our pro band).

You can choose between making a one-off payment or splitting the cost over monthly instalments using the trusted Go Cardless Direct Debit system.

What does membership include?

weekly Rehearsals

Challenging and fun weekly rehearsals with a top Musical Director.

performances with professional musicians

Unforgettable gigs in awesome venues backed by our professional band and other instrumentalists.

Bespoke Arrangements

Interesting arrangements written specifically for our choirs by our highly skilled Musical Directors.

Learning Resources

Studio recorded audio tracks to help you learn your part on its own or practise along with other voices.

additional performance opportunities

A wide range of extra performance opportunities from the Lambeth Country Show to the Southbank Centre!


A welcoming and active social group and wider community to be part of.

The first step to joining one of our South London choirs is to join us for a taster session.